Java 8 default methods

Why OK, so interfaces can now provide a default implementation. This makes sense if you want to be able to add new methods to your interface without breaking existing implementations. Oracle uses default methods quiet extensively (see java.util.Collection). Simple example public class SimpleExample { interface Interface1 { default void test() { System.out.println(“– default test”); } default void test2() { System.out.println(“–… Continue reading Java 8 default methods


Lately I had a short presentation about Docker for which I created some slides. The idea was to run the presentation (AngularJS, HTML, CSS) inside a container. You can find the presentation here. Maybe you find it useful.

Spring Boot Health Checks

Spring Boot brings along some cool “production ready” features. Among them are the health checks. They are a great way to give you a quick overview about the system state. Is the database up and running, is my disk running out of space? Getting started Having a Spring Boot application already setup you just have… Continue reading Spring Boot Health Checks