Typolino – Add Firebase to our Angular application

Next step is to connect the Angular application with Firebase. This should be rather straight forward. add the npm package configure the environment test the connectivity Add Firebase modules ng add @angular/fire Actually I just realized that adding @angular/fire will do some stuff we already did before. Not an issue but I had to cleanup… Continue reading Typolino – Add Firebase to our Angular application


Because of the Corona virus I’m at home – almost all the time. #stayhome. I have two kids which can’t go to Kindergarten these days and I was wondering if there is any good online training for kids to learn to type & read. To be fair, I haven’t looked around much. But the first… Continue reading Typolino

Develop a game with p5.js (part 1)

p5.js is a great JavaScript library to create little games that run directly in your browser. They even offer an online editor, so you can really just get started. Find out more about p5.js here: https://p5js.org/Or directly access the online editor: https://editor.p5js.org/ In this article I will show you a game we implemented as part… Continue reading Develop a game with p5.js (part 1)

Java Collections Static Factory Methods

With Java9 we finally get an easy way to construct collections. I think the map is one that I will be using  quite often. Now I can write: Map<String,String> lookupMap = Map.ofEntries( entry(“a”, “A”), entry(“b”, “B”), entry(“c”, “C”)); Instead of: Map<String, String> lookupMap = new HashMap<>(); lookupMap.put(“a”,”A”); lookupMap.put(“b”,”B”); lookupMap.put(“c”,”C”);

JavaScript und Physik

Gerade kürzlich ist mir die Formelsammlung der Physik in die Hände gefallen und ich hatte irgendwie Lust, ein Pendel zu programmieren. Ich habe früher bereits einen Artikel geschrieben, wie man mit JavaScript physikalische “Experimente” durchführen kann und bin nach wie vor der Überzeugung, dass dies eine ideale Tätigkeit ist, um das Programmieren zu erlernen. Man braucht… Continue reading JavaScript und Physik

Java 8 default methods

Why OK, so interfaces can now provide a default implementation. This makes sense if you want to be able to add new methods to your interface without breaking existing implementations. Oracle uses default methods quiet extensively (see java.util.Collection). Simple example public class SimpleExample { interface Interface1 { default void test() { System.out.println(“– default test”); } default void test2() { System.out.println(“–… Continue reading Java 8 default methods