Welcome back to our micro business experiment, where we are using a lot of AI to help us coding, generate content and more! Ads First of all an update on the ads. The review process took longer than I would have expected and the result is negative. Unfortunately, there isn’t much information on what is… Continue reading The Future is Here: Exploring the Possibilities of Doing Business with AI (Part 11) – Adding Ads & Refactoring
Category: HTML
The Future is Here: Exploring the Possibilities of Doing Business with AI (Part 10) – Adding Ads
I never hard any website so far where we wanted to run ads. So this is the first time I’m looking into this topic. To get an overall understanding of the process, we decided to consult ChatGPT. Question: I have a website and I want to show ads, what should I do? Answer: If you… Continue reading The Future is Here: Exploring the Possibilities of Doing Business with AI (Part 10) – Adding Ads
Typolino – Adding Features (one year later)
Coming back to a side project after a year can be pretty painful. I actually wanted to see how it goes with Typolino. Is the CI/CD pipeline still working? Can I easily upgrade my dependencies and add new features? A product should grow with your clients and Typolino is no different. My kids get older… Continue reading Typolino – Adding Features (one year later)
Lately I had a short presentation about Docker for which I created some slides. The idea was to run the presentation (AngularJS, HTML, CSS) inside a container. You can find the presentation here. Maybe you find it useful.
Full height multi column layout
Full height multi column layout using CSS3 vh,vw,vmin and vmax unit I had to create multi column layouts that span the entire height of the visible space pretty often. And it was very frustrating every single time. Since CSS 3 there is a new unit you can use that defines a relative value of the viewport’s dimension.… Continue reading Full height multi column layout
CSS Grid System
Layout für deine Webseite Um mit HTML und CSS ein hübsches Layout zu erstellen, gibt es ganz viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten. Vor langer, langer Zeit war es einmal üblich alles mit Tabellen (<table>) zu lösen. Damit war man allerdings nicht so ganz zufrieden (eine Tabelle ist für Daten und nicht für das Layout gedacht!) und ist… Continue reading CSS Grid System
Lets create a 3D cube with CSS
Basic idea Although I’m not sure how useful 3D transformations are in modern web design and how extensively you should use them, there is no doubt that they are just cool. Therefore I want to show you how to create a simple 3D cube using some simple HTML divs and CSS3 3D transforms. The basic idea… Continue reading Lets create a 3D cube with CSS
Equal height divs made simple
I can’t remember how often I had to create a column based layout using HTML and always struggled when it came down to placing two divs next to each other having the same size. Usually the problems pops up when the columns have a different background or some kind of other visual attribute such as a border.… Continue reading Equal height divs made simple