Unfortunately, AdSense continues to complain about our micro business website, www.usmalbilder.ch. However, it is possible that their checks are based on an outdated version that was last crawled by Google a few weeks ago. We suspect this because the new URLs we have added are not yet recognized by Google in the webmaster tools. To… Continue reading The Future is Here: Exploring the Possibilities of Doing Business with AI (Part 12) – AdSense and Caching
Month: June 2023
The Future is Here: Exploring the Possibilities of Doing Business with AI (Part 11) – Adding Ads & Refactoring
Welcome back to our micro business experiment, where we are using a lot of AI to help us coding, generate content and more! Ads First of all an update on the ads. The review process took longer than I would have expected and the result is negative. Unfortunately, there isn’t much information on what is… Continue reading The Future is Here: Exploring the Possibilities of Doing Business with AI (Part 11) – Adding Ads & Refactoring